Inquests and Inquiries
We are recognised as a leading practice in the matter of public inquiries. Our unrivalled strength in this area comes from our expertise in dealing with major inquiries of national importance such as our involvement in the “Bloody Sunday” and the “Guildford Four” inquiries.
Coroners’ inquests and public inquiries can be a daunting process, especially so when they are under the glare of the media. Members of the team have featured in some of the most high profile inquests and public inquiries in recent decades.
Our expertise, strategic thinking and ability to draw on a wide range of specialisms means that we are uniquely placed to represent clients involved in the most difficult and sensitive inquests and inquiries and the reputational consequences that may flow from these. We are also used to advising on connected investigations by the police and other authorities.
We can assemble a team tailored to meet all challenges, with lawyers experienced in attending inquests and inquiries, dealing with reputational issues and judicially reviewing adverse conclusions or findings.
We can also draw on the additional expertise of our criminal, contentious probate and employment lawyers.
We represent bereaved families, interested persons and professional bodies that may find themselves drawn into inquests or inquiries, be it due to their public functions or as experts. We handle all matters sensitively and discretely and advise clients on their rights and the steps that they can take during and after the conclusion of the process such as making applications, advice on giving evidence, challenging decisions and mitigating damage to their reputations.
In addition, we have significant experience in representing coroners in judicial review proceedings and advising on coronial law, adding to the team’s collective understanding of the entire process.