Solicitors For Educational Institutions
Our Education Team has been recognised by a number of legal publications as a leader in the field. We advise schools, colleges, universities, pupils and parents in all aspects of the law in this sector.
In particular we have vast experience dealing with the often sensitive and complex disputes that can arise within schools and universities. Often these disputes can be resolved quickly but we have also had experience of cases proceeding to all levels of hearings including the Administrative Court and the Court of Appeal.
Our work can involve consideration of alleged discrimination or other abuse of process. Interpretation and enforcement of rules and regulations can be common issues. We have been regularly involved in admission arrangements. We are able to deal with such matters in a sensitive and understanding way but, at the same time, without losing focus concerning the important issues at stake. We can also work with education establishments concerning setting up procedures to minimise the risk of disputes occurring.
We regularly advise in relation to examination procedures and means of appeal as well as school administration policies and bullying.