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17 September 2024

Vulnerable clients: who are they, how do we identify them, how do we manage them – Kelly Gerrard for Family Law Journal

Kelly Gerrard, Legal Director in the Family Department has co-authored with Sheena Cassidy Hope of Mischon de Reya an article examining the issues practitioners are likely to face when encountering clients who can be classified as vulnerable, first published in the latest edition of the Family Law Journal (LexisNexis UK).

As family law practitioners are more frequently encountering clients who present as vulnerable, Kelly and Sheena have collaborated to address how to identify behaviour to assess whether clients should be considered vulnerable as well as offering practical advice on how to deal with such clients. They also provide guidance for practitioners on how to protect their own mental health when dealing with vulnerable clients and practical self-care advice.

To read Kelly and Sheena’s full article first published in the September 2024 edition of Family Law Journal (LexisNexis UK) and linked with kind permission click here:–who-are-they–how-do-we-identify-them–how-do-we-manage-them

For further information, please contact Kelly Gerrard, Legal Director and Knowledge Development Lawyer in the Family Department or, alternatively, telephone on 020 7465 4300.

To access our dedicated webpage with free Essential Resources for Supporting and Protecting Vulnerable Clientsclick here.

To learn more about divorce, separation and family law visit our dedicated webpage and download a free copy of our Essential Guide to Divorce and Family Law here.

About the Author
Kelly Gerrard
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