This claim concerned breach of undertakings which had been given in order to avoid defamation proceedings. Having accused Mr Ranger of serious allegations of financial crimes and misconduct, other dishonesty and being a ‘modern day grave robber’, Mr Pycraft agreed to give the four undertakings having been threatened with a claim in defamation. The court found that Mr Pycraft had probably breached the undertakings, but nonetheless, did not find ‘the risk of future breach [was] sufficiently high to indicate the granting of injunctive relief’ due to the nature of the breaches. The first was mistaken belief that his action was not in breach, and the second a likely oversight born from the complicated technical process of permanently deleting defamatory material online.
For further information, please contact either by email either Dominic Crossley or Evelyn Collins or alternatively call on 020 7465 4300
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