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21 March 2023

Baroness Fiona Shackleton calls for an end to overly wide judge discretion in divorce cases – BBC Radio 4

Leading divorce lawyer Fiona Shackleton appears on BBC Radio 4 campaigning for clearer legislation in divorce proceedings to create better outcomes for families and children.

Payne Hicks Beach Top divorce lawyer, Baroness Fiona Shackleton, appeared on BBC Radio 4‘s PM show on 20 March 2023 to add her voice to the campaign for the reform of the 50-year-old Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. The Act governs how money is divided when couples get divorced in England and Wales.

Following Lord Bellamy KC commissioning a review of the law, Baroness Shackleton calls for an end to judges having wide discretion to determine cases and calls for more certainty which will prevent unnecessary litigation and create better outcomes for families and children.

Click the following linked to listen to Fiona’s interview on BBC Sounds (Fiona appears at 42:15):

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Baroness Fiona Shackleton of Belgravia LVO
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